It has been an extremely tough couple months for everyone. All different kinds of people have been forced into a “new normal.” Wearing masks everywhere you go, sanitizing constantly, and social distancing has become a way of life. Now, as we slowly move forward into reopening, we are trying to go back to business as… Read More
Posts By Ethan Dangerwing
Are professional photos of your newborn worth it?
Yes! Newborns are only newborns for such a short time. There is a small window where newborns curl up all cute and sleep so very deep. Before you know it, they are more aware of their environment and don’t snooze during photo sessions. Plus, they grow so fast and you don’t want to miss capturing… Read More
Power of the Portrait
There is a story behind every photograph. A beautiful portrait tells a compelling story. A self-portrait gives insights into the inner you; an empowering introspection that can change your perspective of yourself. Someone who’s never seen themselves as beautiful is able to see themselves through a different perspective. Portraits convey powerful emotions. As a photographer,… Read More
Dangerwing Boudoir Photography
Boudoir is for every woman, not just models. What is Boudoir Photography? Boudoir photography is a professional photographic session either in a studio or in your home. Boudoir is the French word that means ladies private bedroom or dressing room. Boudoir photographs are taken in a sensual, romantic setting and the woman dresses in intimate… Read More